8. What are .bom files on a Mac? How to read .bom files?

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8. What are .bom files on a Mac? How to read .bom files?
8. What are .bom files on a Mac? How to read .bom files?
Hello MacAdmins! Today we're diving into the world of .bom files on Mac. ️ .bom means /"bill of materials/"³. This is a computer file format used by the Mac OS X³ installer. These files are like a checklist for your Mac, determining which files to install, remove, or upgrade³. They contain all the files in a directory, as well as information about each file³.

So when you update your software or install a new app, your Mac probably uses a .bom file to make sure everything goes smoothly⁴. It's like a road map for your Mac's operating system during an update or installation⁴.

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